Taste of the Nation – fundraiser for Share Our Strength – has been rated the best food event in Denver. That’s a pretty strong statement, right? I thought so. And now that I’ve attended the event myself, I can say that I whole-heartedly agree with the boasting. In the life of a foodie, it was an amazing night.
Let me highlight a few things that made this event great …
• Inspired food from 30+ local restaurants
• A libation competition offering adult beverage creations
• An entire section devoted to tasting the products of local, small food businesses
• All this whilst supporting a good cause
It’s easy to imagine that such an event – with its overindulgence of decadent food juxtaposed against the raising of funds to support children with hungry bellies - would inspire a giving spirit.
On a personal note, the evening was “one of the best” for a couple of reasons: 1) I was recognized for the first time! Somebody recognized me from this, here, little food blog. And in my book, that's pretty exciting. 2) Something else came from the evening. But it’s too early to share. It will come, in time. Follow along this summer to find out what’s to come – all thanks to this great night.
All I have left to say is that a night like this is only made better when sharing the experience with somebody you love. I’ll raise my glass to that.
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What is the number 2?! I want to know now-zo! :)
ReplyDeleteDue to the influx of questions generated from this post, I need to clarify that my promised excitement in the months to come has nothing to do with announcing a pregnancy. I am sorry to disappoint but it's about food - this is a food blog afterall. Seriously people, get your head out of the gutter. ;)