Saturday, November 26, 2011

{Eat} Small Business Saturday

Happy "Small Business Saturday"! People across the nation are supporting small businesses today. I plan to support the cause by eating at a local, independent restaurant. Restaurants are small businesses too. And my purchase will be in the form of yummy food!

Eat local, shop local.

Need a bigger helping?:
Small Business Saturday
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  1. GREAT idea! Believe it or not, I did the same! We have this amazing pizza place and honey bunny and I get 2 slices every Saturday as a treat! Because I like it CRISPY the owner takes it off the pan and puts it right on the stone for me! YUM! Where did you go?

  2. Fantastic idea...I didn't read this soon enough so I didn't do it, BUT I always enjoy supporting local and independent businesses.

  3. We frequented a local pub. Good times there. I am not a big shopper so supporting local restaurants works for me. :)

  4. I hope there are more groups to support small businesses not just in United States but in the whole world. I started out as a small business owner and have recently filed for California LLC.

  5. I'm glad to be a part of this! Every corporation started out as a small business. I myself started a little store in our block before deciding to file LLC. Without my humble beginnings, I wouldn't be where I am today.
